
They called it Butte, for it was once a flatter land, Then plowed down the mountain in a generation's hand. The hard working men labored without tire, And traded life for a…

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Building High Tech Biz for Montana’s Future

Our state is amazing. Being half mountainous and half plains-land—plus, we are home for two National Parks—Montana is truly the land of "purple mountains of majesty." As stunning as this…

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Words of Wisdom from Pat LaPointe

Pat is an angel and venture investor serving on numerous boards for early-stage and growth companies. He is the Director of Frontier Angels and holds a seat in several other…

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CES 2018

January 2018 I attended the iconic Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) in Las Vegas. Four days and over 2 million square feet of nothing but the world's latest high-tech inventions was…

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Tips for Better Conversations

Have you ever been at a "loss for words?" Then think of an appropriate response long after the topic has ended? Or worse, say something totally stupid because you couldn't…

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